Boy Scouts of America 100 year aniversary

Boy Scout Troop 96

Simon Kenton Council, Gateway District
Upper Arlington, OH

    Welcome to Troop Troop 96Troop 96

Where Scouts have Fun!

Welcome to Troop 96

100 years of scouting

We meet at Covenant Presbyterian Church every Monday at 7:00 p.m..

Upcoming Events


See Calendar for events




Journey to Excellence Gold



We hope you enjoy this web page and we know you will enjoy becoming part of our Troop's long history in Scouting. What do we have to offer?


  • A place you can learn to become a leader!
  • Go camping, rafting, hiking, summer camp, camporees, and lots of other adventures!
  • A ton of memories to cherish the rest of your life!
  • New friends and a great time!


Events from our Troop Scoutbook Calendar



In addition to this website, we’re also using Scoutbook. This tool will allow parents to track their Scout’s advancements and help Troop leaders stay organized. Our Troop calendar is also on Scoutbook so you can keep track of events.  See the calendar of upcoming events to the left which is subscribed to our Scoutbook calendar.  If you’re a parent of a current Scout in Troop 96 and haven’t received an invitation, let your us know.















 If you are interested in visiting our Troop, please contact either our Committee Chairman Jason Poling or our Scoutmaster Bruce Hotte.  If you are interested in joining or wish more information, please contact us directly at our email,or our Troop Phone Number 614-859-9BSA. (9272)



The Boy Scout Law

The Boy Scout Law



Thanks for dropping by.


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